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month of transition

The Month Of Transitions

September 21, 20231 min read

September is a month of transition – leaving the lazy days of summer to move back into cooler weather, shorter days, and busier schedules.  Here are a few ideas to make the most of your September and set you up for a successful fall season….

  1. CONNECT WITH YOUR CLIENTS.  One of the biggest reasons you lose a customer is perceived indifference – Keep in touch!  Send an email, pick up the phone and check in, send a postcard…there are many ways to connect with a client!  Pick one!

  2. DO SOME TRAINING.  Use this time to sharpen the saw or develop a new skill.  What training would benefit you and your team?

  3. DECLUTTER.  Get everyone in the office involved and do a massive clean out – drawers, closets, computers, files!  Having a clean, tidy, and orderly workspace will refresh the mind and morale.

  4. SET OBJECTIVES.  Why wait until the end of the year to set objectives?  Get together as a team and set your sights on finishing strong in 2022!  What top three things do you want to accomplish and how will you get there?

  5. RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS.  Promote a culture of kindness by encouraging your team to share a random act of kindness for someone else on the team – in secret.  Kindness is contagious – pass it around.   

For assistance on how you can prepare yourself and your business for the Exit Strategy, consider working with Greenlight Leadership Development Group.  We come alongside leaders to help them scale their business for exit!  For more information, visit our website or reach out to

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